June 07, 2008

When I showed up in Atlanta this week, I really had no idea what to expect. My week ended up being a student missions camp, and it's been an interesting, yet encouraging time. The people here really have a passion for missions; its the whole focus on their ministry. 

Today our whole group (about 40 people) visited a mosque, and it was a incredible experience. Friday is their holy day, and the place was packed. Recently I've studied up on Islam and tried to familiarize myself with it as much as possible, but head knowledge is nothing compared to observing their "worship".  As the hundreds of men began to recite the Qur'an and chant in unison, it completely overwhelmed me. These people are not running from God, they think that Allah is God! Satan has completely deceived them. While my ears were filled with the eerie sounds of false worship, my heart was filled with grief and I broke down. I'm sure the Muslim men thought that my tears were out of reverence for their worship. If only they knew why my heart was broken, if only they knew Jesus! I'm not just writing this because it sounds good, or because its what I'm supposed to write. God's really working on me and motivating me for not only this trip, but for my life. These people are going to hell. Someone has got to tell them. 

Today also involved my first ever Arabic lesson, and its definitely going to be a challenge. 

My flight for the final destination leaves monday afternoon. I would ask that you pray for our travels, our effort to pick up Arabic, and for opportunities to share the gospel. 

Grace and Peace!

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